April 27, 2022 : Annual opening of the Foundation

After an interruption of two years, the annual opening of the Foundation in Rhodes took place on the day of saint Marc on April 27th with a numerous participation. Two winners of the grant presented their work.

April 27, 2022 : Annual opening of the Foundation2022-05-13T11:18:37+02:00

Prix Marc de Montalembert 2022

Mohamed Ibrahim from Egypt, PhD in Islamic archeology, Department of Islamic archeology at University Ain Shams at Cairo is the winner of the 2022 Marc de Montalembert Prize for his research entitled "Mamluk chivalry through Military painted Manuscripts”.

Prix Marc de Montalembert 20222022-03-11T17:28:34+01:00

Bourse Marc de Montalembert 2021

The 2021 Marc de Montalembert grant is awarded to Gabriele Langosco, from Italy for his project “ Scultura genovese. Rotte mediterranee nell’età di Fillippo [...]

Bourse Marc de Montalembert 20212021-04-21T19:25:44+02:00

Prix Marc de Montalembert 2020

The winner of the 2020 Marc de Montalembert Prize is Geoffrey Meyer-Fernandez, from France, PhD in art history from the Aix-Marseille University, for his research : « Between Orient and Occident : three churches painted by Greek families in Crete, in Cyprus and Rhodes (XIVe-XVe siècle) ».

Prix Marc de Montalembert 20202020-04-16T12:23:06+02:00
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